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Life Behind Bars: Breaking Out of Manufacturing Jargon and Back into the World of Clinical Relevancy

Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer and Mr. Gregor Connell Release Date: 8/10/22
Credits:  1 CEU   Reviewed: 2025     Expiration Date: 8/10/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
CE Supporter: VOCO America

Dental material manufacturers tend to promote their respective materials using combinations of literature and various studies. Literature extols the physical properties of various materials, often using bar graph data to compare one competitor to another. The question is: what is the true importance of that “data” to “my dentistry?”

This CE webinar will discuss the clinical significance of those bar graphs. Life behind bars will take the listener into the world of material design and testing and attempt to connect the data to where it matters - the clinical application of the material. Mr. Connell will speak to the testing parameters and value of the data presented, while Dr. Ron Kaminer will discuss the clinical implications of the data being discussed.

During this CE webinar, we will cover the following topics:
• Identifying key data/testing values for various materials
• Assist in selection of materials that are more case/application appropriate for the clinicians needs.
• Press Here! How to consistently push the limits of adhesion.
• How Flow can you Go? The case for both high and low viscosity flowable composites
• Marginal Materials: Are impressions and scans really that difficult?   ( disclaimer, bio and commercial disclosure )

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