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This CE webinar for dental professional development is intended for: Cosmetic dentists, General dentists, Prosthodontists, Periodontists, Technicians, and Auxiliaries.
This one-hour CE webinar will discuss a novel indirect/direct injection technique that adds a new dimension to the restorative process. Over the past eleven years, Dr. Terry developed an adhesive technique that adds a new dimension to restorative and esthetic dentistry. This inverse injection composite layering technique provides a precise and predictable method for translating a diagnostic wax-up or a pre-existing diagnostic model into composite restorations by mixing various hues and opacities of highly filled flowable materials.
Learning objectives: • Discover a predictable and precise method for developing anterior composite veneers. • Understand and explore the significance of color mixing for creating polychromatic lifelike restorations. • Appreciate the myriad of applications of the injectable technique and how an improved biomaterial and this revolutionary technique can enhance patient communication and your practice of dentistry.
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