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Dr. Daniel Daniel has been practicing since 1999, and made it a point to NEVER make a denture in the first 10 years of his career. His passion was improving patient’s lives through Cosmetic Dentistry, and he equated making dentures to pulling teeth – literally. They were time consuming, difficult to do well, and made no financial sense to incorporate into his practice. However, as life would have it, he began his journey into the implant world in 2007. As that path unfolded, he began seeing the impact implants were making in people's lives, specifically the edentulous population. He was forced to learn the techniques for fabricating implant-retained dentures.
Not happy with the techniques he learned in school, he spent years learning and trying different techniques. Eventually, he found a way to make a denture in 3 easy steps. He has spent the past 5 years refining the technique, and will present the 3 easy steps for making predictable and profitable dentures for those patients who already have dentures. Whether you’ve banned dentures from your practice, occasionally make them, or offer them as a regular service, this course will improve your technique and make them a predictable and profitable part of your practice.
This CE webinar will discuss the principles for creating predictable, aesthetic, and profitable dentures in 3 easy appointments. Important points that will be discussed: how understanding the steps results in less chair time and improved clinical predictability by removing complexity from the many variables of fabricating dentures. Without a system, dentures can be time consuming, unaesthetic, and non-profitable. Understanding the 3 easy steps will make dentures fun again!
Upon completion of this CE webinar, you will be able to: • Confidently implement a 3-step technique to make a new denture for patients with a pre-existing denture • Become more familiar with taking records and communicating with the lab in order to create ideal results
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