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Episode 539: Busting the Myth that More Production Guarantees Success
Supporter: Viva Learning Originals CE Credits: 0.25 CEU
Guest: Dr. Julie Woods Release Date: 2/19/2024
So what do we mean by profit over production or even profit first. Doesn't this go against everything we're about as healthcare providers. Well, maybe not. Because working really hard and having little left over at the end of the week is not a sustainable situation nor is it good for your practice, employees or your patients. So lets talk with Dr. Julie Woods. She's a board-certified periodontist and has been practicing since graduating from Baylor College of Dentistry in 2004. Her book, Profit Over Production: Understand Dental Business and Choose Your Practice Destiny, was released in September 2023 and is still an Amazon best-seller.

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