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Operatory Chairs that Make Any Operatory Wheelchair and Gurney Accessible

Presenter: Dr. Harvey Levy Release Date: 12/21/16
Credits:  1 CEU   Reviewed: 2025     Expiration Date: 12/21/28
AGD Subject Code: 130
CE Supporter: DENTALEZ

The average dental operatory cannot comfortably handle a wheelchair with the fixed operatory chair as an obstacle. This is a barrier to dental care for millions of patients in wheelchairs and gurneys (W&G). Such patients deserve the equal opportunity to sit or lie comfortably while dental work is performed on them. This CE webinar will illustrate how movable operatory chairs glide to the side of the room to allow wheelchairs to be rolled right next to them, facilitating easy patient transfer into the operatory chair.

For patients who cannot readily be moved out of their W&G, these “hovercraft” style operatory chair glides to the side of the room with one hand to allow the W&G to occupy the center of the room. Patients treated in the comfort of their W&G are extraordinary referral sources, praising the dentist who understands and accommodates their physical limitations, needs and wishes.

Upon completion of this CE webinar, participants should be able to:
• use one hand to glide an operatory chair to the side of the room, making plenty of space for a wheelchair;
• learn how to slide a wheelchair alongside the operatory chair for easy patient transfer;
• appreciate how a patient can comfortably be treated in a gurney after the operatory chair is moved aside in seconds.   ( disclaimer, bio and commercial disclosure )

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