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Dr. Okuda on G-ænial Sculpt (02:02)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Wynn Okuda
Released: 4/25/16
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Dr. Wynn Okuda discusses the nano-technology and uniform dispersion technology of G-ænial™ Sculpt.

Bill Marais on CERASMART® & GC Primers (02:17)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Bill Marais, RDT
Released: 4/21/16
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Bill Marais shows how to add to a restoration if you removed too much CAD/CAM material using CERASMART®, GC CERAMIC PRIMER II and GC COMPOSITE PRIMER.

Dr. Brady on G-ænial Sculpt - Dentin Layer (04:55)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 4/20/16
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses building composites on the lingual wall and then layering towards the incisal edge for the dentin layer using G-ænial™ Sculpt.
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arrow_grayExquisite Anterior Composites (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on G-ænial Sculpt - Enamel Layer (03:31)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 4/20/16
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses layering in the enamel layer using G-ænial™ Sculpt and the benefits of using composite restoration versus ceramic.
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arrow_grayExquisite Anterior Composites (1 CE)

Dr. Ward on EQUIA Forte® (04:15)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 1/11/16
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Dr. Daniel Ward talks about glass ionomers and the benefits of using EQUIA Forte® from GC America.

Dr. Kaminer on CERASMART® (01:58)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 6/16/15
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses the advantages of a new technology from GC America called CERASMART® Force Absorbing, Flexible Nano Ceramic CAD/CAM Block.
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arrow_grayStep by Step Breakdown of The Single Crown (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer on GRADIA CORE (05:12)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 6/16/15
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses the benefits of and shows clinical cases using GRADIA® CORE Dual-Cured, Radiopaque Composite for Core Build-Up & Post Cementation.
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arrow_grayStep by Step Breakdown of The Single Crown (1 CE)

Dr. Milnar on the G-aenial family (03:51)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Frank Milnar
Released: 6/10/15
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Dr. Frank Milnar talks about the features, benefits and indications for G-aenial™ Universal Flo, G-aenial™ Flo and G-aenial™ Bond.

Dr. Milnar on GRADIA DIRECT Flo and LoFlo (01:56)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Frank Milnar
Released: 6/10/15
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Dr. Frank Milnar discusses the benefits of using hybrid flowable composites in particular GRADIA® DIRECT Flo and GRADIA® DIRECT LoFlo.

Dr. Ward on MI Paste and MI Paste Plus (02:17)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward discusses the benefits of ACP-CPP on tooth structure remineralization, in particular MI Paste™ and MI Paste Plus™.

Dr. Ward on MI Varnish (01:10)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward talks about fluoride varnishes, in particular MI Varnish™, and the benefits and mechanism of its application.

Dr. Ward on G-aenial Universal Flow (01:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward discusses tooth restorations using G-aenial™ Universal Flo, a low viscosity flowable composite with excellent wear resistance and good polishability.

Dr. Ward on GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA (01:52)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward discusses using GC Fuji IX GP® EXTRA, a bioactive glass ionomer base/restorative with high fluoride release and minimal self-curing time.

Dr. Ward on GC Fuji TRIAGE (01:37)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward shows a clinical case of a 12 year old patient using GC Fuji TRIAGE®, a glass ionomer sealant and surface protectant that is self-bonding and has high fluoride release.

Dr. Brady on GC Fuji I (02:27)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses cementation of restorations and the benefits of using glass ionomers, in particular GC Fuji I®, an enhanced, self-cured luting cement.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on GC FujiCEM® 2 and GC Fuji PLUS (01:54)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses the benefits of using resin reinforced glass ionomers, in particular GC FujiCEM® 2 and GC Fuji PLUS®.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on G-CEM LinkAce® (02:47)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady talks about self-etching self-priming resin cements, with emphasis on G-CEM LinkAce®, a self-adhesive resin luting cement.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Okuda on GC Fugi II LC and GC Kalore (02:16)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Wynn Okuda
Released: 9/19/14
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Dr. Wynn Okuda discusses minimally invasive bio-mimetic restorative treatments using GC Fuji II LC®, a resin modified glass ionomer with GC Kalore™, a nanohybrid composite resin.

Dr. Okuda on GC Kalore and G-aenial Bond (02:58)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Wynn Okuda
Released: 9/19/14
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Dr. Wynn Okuda demonstrates proper layering of composite resin for natural results using GC Kalore™ and G-aenial™ Bond.

Dr. Okuda on G-aenial Universal Flo (02:16)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Wynn Okuda
Released: 9/19/14
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Dr. Wynn Okuda discusses using G-aenial™ Universal Flo, a flowable composite, for intraoral splinting and repairs.

Dr. Kaminer on EQUIA™ Coat with G-COAT PLUS (02:15)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 9/15/14
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses the benefits of EQUIA™ Coat, a glass ionomer, with G-COAT PLUS™ placed on top for a very aesthetic restoration.
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arrow_grayCrown and Bridge Made Easy (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer on GC Fuji II LC with G-COAT PLUS (00:34)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 9/15/14
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Dr. Ron Kaminer shows a clinical case using GC Fuji II LC®, a resin modified glass ionomer, with G-COAT PLUS™ placed on top for an indistinguishable restoration that matches the surrounding tooth structure.
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arrow_grayCrown and Bridge Made Easy (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer with GC Fuji II LC (01:50)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 9/15/14
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Dr. Ron Kaminer shows clinical images of a core build-up restoration procedure using GC Fuji II LC®, a resin modified glass ionomer, that bonds very well to enamel and dentin.
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arrow_grayCrown and Bridge Made Easy (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer with G-CEM LinkAce® (02:33)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 9/15/14
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses the benefits of G-CEM LinkAce®, a self-adhesive resin cement that has high bond durability to Zirconia without the need for a primer.
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arrow_grayCrown and Bridge Made Easy (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on GC FujiCEM® 2 (01:22)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/15/14
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Dr. Sam Simos discusses resin bonding protocols for indirect substrates, in particular GC FujiCEM® 2 - a resin modified glass ionomer cement.

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