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Dr. Snyder on Bulk Injectables, FSC and HPC-filler Technologies (04:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 6/30/23
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Dr. Todd Snyder discusses using bulk injectables such as G-ænial™ BULK Injectable, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ Flo X, and the benefits of GC's proprietary FSC (Full-coverage Silane Coating) technology and HPC-filler (High-performance Pulverized CERASMART® Filler) technology.
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arrow_grayProblem Driven Material Selection (1 CE)

Dr. Lowe on Simplified Unishade System (06:29)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Released: 4/6/23
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Dr. Bob Lowe discusses the Simplified Unishade System for restorations using G-ænial™ A'CHORD, G-Premio BOND, and G-ænial™ Universal Injectable.

Dr. Auster on G-CEM ONE + Adhesive Enhancing Primer (03:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
Released: 8/31/22
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Dr. Peter Auster discusses the benefits of using G-CEM ONE™ in conjunction with G-CEM ONE™ Adhesive Enhancing Primer (AEP) for retentive and non-retentive preps.

Dr. Snyder on Glass Ionomers & EQUIA Forte HT (04:42)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 8/31/22
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Dr. Todd Snyder discusses glass ionomers and the benefits if using EQUIA Forte® HT, a bulk fill glass hybrid long term restorative system.

Dr. Snyder on Injectable Composites (04:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 4/22/22
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Dr. Todd Snyder discusses the difference between flowable composites versus injectable composites and goes over the benefits and uses for GC's line of products: G-ænial™ Flo X, G-ænial™ Universal Flo, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ BULK Injectable.

Dr. Halpern on CERASMART 270 (03:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 12/21/21
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Dr. Karyn Halpern discusses the benefits of using CERASMART® 270.

Dr. Halpern on CERASMART 270 Cementation Guidelines (04:18)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 12/21/21
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Dr. Karyn Halpern goes over the Cementation Guidelines for using CERASMART® 270, which includes applying a silane coupling agent like G-Multi PRIMER and using the adhesive enhancing primer (AEP) and resin cement duo of G-CEM ONE™.

Dr. Cone on G-CEM ONE (17:15)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Miles Cone
Released: 6/22/21
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Dr. Miles Cone talks about he benefits of G-CEM ONE™ and shows clinical use cases.

Dr. Kachalia on GC FujiCEM Evolve (01:23)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Parag Kachalia
Released: 6/22/21
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Dr. Parag Kachalia discusses features of GC FujiCEM® Evolve.

Dr. Marus on G-ænial Universal Injectable (03:39)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Robert Marus
Released: 3/3/21
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Dr. Robert Marus talks about injectable composites and how they differ from flowable composites, in particular G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, a universal light-cured radiopaque injectable composite.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on Open and Closed Sandwich Techniques (05:12)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/16/20
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz talks about the differences and indications of both the Open and Closed Sandwich Techniques.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on EQUIA Forte HT in SMART technique (02:09)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/16/20
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discusses a Class I clinical case on the first molar treated with a glass ionomer cement (in this case EQUIA Forte® HT) and Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), otherwise known as the SMART (Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) technique.

Dr. Brady on GC FujiCEM Evolve (04:13)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 4/7/20
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses the benefits of using glass ionomers in traditional cementation, in particular GC FujiCEM® Evolve.
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arrow_grayCementation and Modern Indirect Materials (1 CE)

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on EQUIA Forte (03:56)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/26/19
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz shows clinical cases of direct restorations using EQUIA Forte®, a glass hybrid restorative material.

Dr. Horowitz on G-ænial BULK Injectable (04:56)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Jeff Horowitz
Released: 2/14/19
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Dr. Jeff Horowitz discusses the benefits of G-ænial™ BULK Injectable, an injectable high-strength nano-particle composite with FSC Technology (Full Coverage Silane Coating).

Dr. Halpern on CERASMART (02:58)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 2/8/19
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Dr. Karyn Halpern discusses the features and benefits of using CERASMART®, a revolutionary, force absorbing, flexible nano ceramic CAD/CAM block.

Dr. Bizga on MI Paste ONE (03:48)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Timothy Bizga, D.D.S.
Released: 6/11/18
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Dr. Timothy Bizga discusses the technology, benefits and some of the ingredients in MI Paste® ONE.

Dr. Bizga on MI Paste ONE - Benefits (04:22)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Timothy Bizga, D.D.S.
Released: 6/11/18
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Dr. Timothy Bizga goes over the features and benefits of RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) in MI Paste® ONE.

Dr. Marus on Anterior Fractured Tooth Restoration (02:14)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Robert Marus
Released: 4/6/18
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Dr. Robert Marus goes over how to restore a fractured anterior tooth using G-Premio BOND™, G-CEM LinkForce™ and G-ænial Sculpt®.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on MI Paste ONE (02:32)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 3/1/18
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discusses the features and benefits of MI Paste® ONE and how it helps with patient compliance by eliminating an extra step in their oral care routine.
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arrow_grayNew Advancements in Recaldent Technology (1 CE)

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on MI Paste ONE: RECALDENT (04:00)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 3/1/18
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz talks about the RECALDENT™ Technology in MI Paste® ONE, a one step toothpaste.
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arrow_grayNew Advancements in Recaldent Technology (1 CE)

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on GC Tri Plaque ID Gel (03:04)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 3/1/18
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz talks about dental plaque disclosing agents, in particular the benefits of GC Tri Plaque ID Gel™ in identifying and reducing the impact of oral bacteria.
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arrow_grayNew Advancements in Recaldent Technology (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer on GRADIA CORE - Post & Core (03:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 7/19/17
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses creating monoblocks using GRADIA® CORE, a dual-cure bondable fiber reinforced post and core kit.
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arrow_grayRapid Fire Pearls for Immediate Impact (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer on G-Premio BOND and GRADIA CORE (03:30)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 7/19/17
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Dr. Ron Kaminer talks about the benefits and features of G-Premio BOND™, a dual-cure universal adhesive, and using it in conjunction with GRADIA® CORE for post and core proceedures.
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arrow_grayRapid Fire Pearls for Immediate Impact (1 CE)

Dr. Marus on G-ænial Universal Flo (03:31)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Robert Marus
Released: 6/9/17
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Dr. Robert Marus talks about the benefits and features of G-ænial™ Universal Flo, a nano-hybrid injectable universal composite.

Dr. Snyder on G-Premio BOND (04:38)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 6/8/17
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Dr. Todd Snyder discusses the benefits, features and application technique of G-Premio BOND™, a light-cured adhesive.

Dr. Snyder on G-ænial Universal Flo and G-ænial Sculpt (03:35)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 6/8/17
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Dr. Todd Snyder talks about the benefits, nano filler technology, self-polishing effect, wear resistance and radiopacity of G-ænial™ Universal Flo and G-ænial Sculpt®.

Dr. Hewlett on EQUIA Forte® (05:05)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Edmond Hewlett
Released: 4/13/17
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Dr. Edmond Hewlett discusses the features and benefits of EQUIA Forte®, a bulk-fill, fluoride releasing, glass hybrid restorative system.

Dr. Brady on G-CEM LinkForce (03:16)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 3/6/17
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses G-CEM LinkForce™, a versatile dual cured resin cement for use in all ceramic restorations.
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arrow_grayBonding Indirect Ceramics (1 CE)

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