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Dr. Milnar on GrandioSO Heavy Flow (03:05)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Frank Milnar
Released: 11/23/15
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Dr. Frank Milnar talks about the benefits, shades, properties and indications of Grandio®SO Heavy Flow from VOCO.

Dr. Milnar on Remin Pro (01:12)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Frank Milnar
Released: 11/23/15
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Dr. Frank Milnar talks about remineralization and the three key ingredients of Remin Pro® from VOCO.

Dr. Lowe on Structur 3 (04:18)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Released: 11/23/15
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Dr. Bob Lowe discusses the features of Structur® 3, a nano-filled, quick setting, strong temporary crown & bridge material with “Wipe & Go” technology.

Dr. Kachalia on Profluorid L and Profluorid Varnish (03:28)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Parag Kachalia
Released: 11/23/15
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Dr. Parag Kachalia discusses the composition and indications of fluoride sensitivity varnishes, specifically Profluorid L and Profluorid Varnish by VOCO.

Dr. Hakim on Futurabond U (02:21)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Released: 11/21/15
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Dr. Foroud Hakim goes over the benefits of using Futurabond® U, a dual-cure universal adhesive in single dose delivery system.

Dr. Hakim on GrandioSO Heavy Flow (05:06)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Released: 11/21/15
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Dr. Foroud Hakim goes over the features and benefits of Grandio®SO Heavy Flow, a highly viscous, light-cured, flowable 83% filled nano hybrid composite.

Dr. Nový on Remin Pro (01:48)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Brian Novy
Released: 6/23/15
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Dr. Brian Nový talks about nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAP) as the building block of teeth and the benefits of the particle sizes (around 20 nanometers) in Remin Pro®
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arrow_grayAre We Asking Too Much of Fluoride (1 CE)

Dr. Ruiz on GrandioSO (01:28)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz
Released: 6/23/15
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Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz discusses composite materials for teeth repair specifically using Grandio®SO.

Dr. Balsamo on Structur 3 (03:33)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Marcelo Balsamo
Released: 6/23/15
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Dr. Marcelo Balsamo discusses using bisacryl materials, in particular Structur® 3, on restorations and talks about the steps for creating mock-ups.
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arrow_grayTop Tips for a Successful Mock-Up (1 CE)

Dr. Balsamo on Structur 3 - Clinical Case (01:19)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Marcelo Balsamo
Released: 6/23/15
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Dr. Marcelo Balsamo uses Structur® 3 for the mock-up simulation and shows before and after pictures of a clinical case.
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arrow_grayTop Tips for a Successful Mock-Up (1 CE)

Dr. Flucke on Structur 3 - Technique (02:36)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. John Flucke
Released: 5/12/15
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Dr. John Flucke discusses the technique he uses for taking impressions and filling the prepped tooth with Structur® 3 temporary acrylic.

Dr. Flucke on Structur 3 - Benefits (03:23)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. John Flucke
Released: 5/12/15
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Dr. John Flucke goes over why he uses Structur® 3 in his office and its benefits.

Dr. Flucke on Provicol QM (00:40)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Released: 5/12/15
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Dr. John Flucke discusses Provicol® QM - a self mixing non-eugenol temporary cement with calcium hydroxide.

Dr. Flucke on Provicol QM - Features (01:43)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. John Flucke
Released: 5/12/15
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Dr. John Flucke goes over the features of Provicol® QM and how it is ideal for final cementation with luting resins.

Dr. Morin on Futurabond DC and Futurabond U (02:59)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Mark Morin
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Mark Morin goes in to detail about dual-cured composite adhesives with particular emphasis on Futurabond® DC and Futurabond® U.

Dr. Flucke on Structur 3 (00:59)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. John Flucke
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. John Flucke discusses office fabrication of provisional impressions using Structur® 3, a temporary crown and bridge material.

Dr. Idiculla on Futurabond U (01:50)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Anil Idiculla
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Anil Idiculla talks about the benefits of using Futurabond® U and details the instructions for use.

Dr. Idiculla on Grandio Caps and GrandioSO Heavy Flow (03:45)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Anil Idiculla
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Anil Idiculla discusses using flowable composites, such as Grandio® Caps and Grandio®SO Heavy Flow, for indirect bonding of brackets and attachments to the patient's dentition.

Dr. Simos on Bifix QM (01:03)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos discusses the resin bonding protocol and when to use luting cements versus self-adhesive dual-cure resin cements, with Bifix® QM as the material of choice for dual-cure.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on x-tra base and Grandio Flow (01:24)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about using bulk fills that have low physical properties, such as x-tra base and Grandio® Flow, for quadrant dentistry and deep fills.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on Futurabond U (01:25)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos discusses dual-cure bonding agents that do not require adding a separate activator, in particular Futurabond® U.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on Futurabond U - Non-Retentive Veneer Preps (00:52)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about bonding to indirect substrates and using Futurabond® U for a non-retentive veneer prep after total etching.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Reverse Post-Core Build-up (04:08)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Martin Jablow
Released: 10/10/13
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Learn how to create a post and core to retrofit an existing crown. In this case, Dr. Jablow uses an existing zirconia crown.

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