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Dr. Simos on Bifix QM (02:42)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 12/31/18
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about prep tapers and using Bifix® QM on retentive and non-retentive crowns.

Dr. Lipscomb on Structur 3 and Bifix Temp (02:47)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr.
Released: 11/16/18
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Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr. goes over a temporary restoration case using Structur 3 and Bifix® Temp.

Dr. Morin on Grandio blocs and Bifix QM (06:57)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Mark Morin
Released: 11/16/18
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Dr. Mark Morin talks about the bonding steps in CAD/CAM restorations using Grandio® blocs and Bifix® QM.

Dr. Curatola on Admira Fusion Flow (03:16)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Gerald Curatola
Released: 11/6/18
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Dr. Gerald Curatola goes over the benefits and indications of Admira Fusion Flow with ORMOCER technology.

Dr. Geissberger on Grandio Seal & Profluorid L (03:07)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Marc Geissberger
Released: 11/6/18
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Dr. Marc Geissberger discusses using Grandio® Seal and Profluorid L to strengthen tooth structure.

Dr. Hakim on Futurabond U - Benefits (02:15)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Released: 4/3/18
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Dr. Foroud Hakim discusses the various benefits of Futurabond® U.
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arrow_grayDon't Go Postal Over Post and Cores (1 CE)

Dr. Malone on GrandioSO Heavy Flow (03:23)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Mike Malone
Released: 3/16/18
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Dr. Mike Malone goes over the 5 keys for successful bonding and using Grandio®SO Heavy Flow for successful restorations.

Dr. Simos on V-Posil Heavy Soft Fast and X-Light Fast (03:10)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 3/16/18
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Dr. Sam Simos demonstrates impression taking using V-Posil Heavy Soft Fast and X-Light Fast.

Dr. Kaminer on Futurabond U and GrandTEC (03:02)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 2/14/18
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Dr. Ron Kaminer discusses the features, benefits and uses of both Futurabond® U and GrandTEC®.

Dr. Kaminer on GrandioSO Heavy Flow and Admira Fusion (04:25)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 2/14/18
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Dr. Ron Kaminer goes over the features, benefits and uses of Grandio®SO Heavy Flow and Admira Fusion.

Dr. Brucia on IonoStar Plus capsules (01:50)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Jeff Brucia
Released: 10/17/17
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Dr. Jeff Brucia talks about various Glass Ionomer mixing/delivery systems and why he prefers capsules, in particular IonoStar® Plus capsules.

Dr. Hakim on V-Posil (04:39)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Released: 10/9/17
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Dr. Foroud Hakim discusses the features and differentiations of V-Posil, a VPS Impression Material.

Dr. Brown on Profluorid Varnish and IonoStar Molar (04:02)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ronni Brown, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Released: 9/11/17
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Dr. Ronni Brown discusses preventive and restorative strategies for patients with meth mouth using Profluorid Varnish and IonoStar® Molar.

Shirley Gutkowski on Remin Pro (02:23)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH
Released: 7/27/17
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Shirley Gutkowski talks about remineralization pastes, in particular the benefits and features of Remin Pro®.

Dr. Radz on Admira Fusion (04:05)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Gary Radz
Released: 7/27/17
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Dr. Gary Radz discusses restorative materials with VOCO's Admira Fusion having very low Shrinkage and Shrinkage Stress, and high levels of Surface Hardness and Edge Strength.

Dr. Geissberger on IonoStar Plus and IonoStar Molar (04:37)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Marc Geissberger
Released: 6/7/17
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Dr. Marc Geissberger discusses the use of glass ionomers for the restoration of caries, in particular IonoStar® Plus and IonoStar® Molar.

Dr. Milnar on Dimanto (01:09)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Frank Milnar
Released: 4/13/17
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Dr. Frank Milnar discusses single step polishers, in particular Dimanto, a one step diamond polisher for pre-polishing and high-gloss polishing of composites.

Dr. Brown on Profluorid Varnish (03:02)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ronni Brown, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Released: 2/24/17
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Dr. Ronni Brown discusses using flourides for remineralization in patients with meth mouth, in particular Profluorid Varnish.
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arrow_grayMeth Mouth: A State of Decay (1 CE)

Dr. Brown on IonoStar Plus (02:35)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ronni Brown, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Released: 2/24/17
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Dr. Ronni Brown talks about when to extract teeth and when to use restorative materials, such as IonoStar® Plus, in patients who use methamphetamine.
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arrow_grayMeth Mouth: A State of Decay (1 CE)

Dr. Kugel on Admira Fusion (03:49)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Gerard Kugel
Released: 2/24/17
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Dr. Gerard Kugel talks about the benefits of Admira Fusion and its ORMOCER technology.

Dr. Malone on Profluorid Varnish (04:42)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Mike Malone
Released: 12/22/16
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Dr. Mike Malone discusses the indications for use and benefits of fluoride varnish in particular VOCO's Profluorid Varnish.
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arrow_grayUpdate on Enamel Remineralization (1 CE)

Dr. Griffin on Bifix SE and Futurabond U (02:48)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Jack Griffin
Released: 9/23/16
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Dr. Jack Griffin talks about the best self-adhesive resin cement with a dentin bonding agent, in particular Bifix SE and Futurabond® U.

Dr. Bizga on Remin Pro (06:05)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Timothy Bizga, D.D.S.
Released: 9/16/16
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Dr. Timothy Bizga discusses the benefits of fluoride and hydroxyapatite (nHAP) in Remin Pro®.

Dr. Lambert on GrandioSO Heavy Flow and Futurabond DC (02:02)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Douglas Lambert
Released: 8/10/16
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Dr. Douglas Lambert shows the steps of the Total Bulk Fill technique using Futurabond® DC and Grandio®SO Heavy Flow.

Dr. Lambert on x-tra base and GrandioSO (03:53)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Douglas Lambert
Released: 8/10/16
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Dr. Douglas Lambert goes over the Contemporary "Semi" Bulk Fill technique using VOCO x-tra base and Grandio®SO.

Dr. Hakim on Futurabond U (03:05)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Released: 7/8/16
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Dr. Foroud Hakim discusses the benefits of Futurabond® U, a universal adhesive that can be used in three conditioning modes: self-etch, total-etch and selective-etch.

Dr. Kaminer on Futurabond U (01:42)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 7/7/16
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Dr. Ron Kaminer talks about universal adhesives, specifically Futurabond® U from VOCO.
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arrow_grayWhen The Ordinary Become Extraordinary (1 CE)

Dr. Kaminer on Calcimol LC (01:38)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 7/7/16
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Dr. Ron Kaminer goes over the benefits of using Calcimol LC, a light-cured, resin modified calcium ion releasing base liner and pulp capping material for restorations.
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arrow_grayWhen The Ordinary Become Extraordinary (1 CE)

Dr. Shull on Admira Fusion (03:27)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Franklin Shull
Released: 5/25/16
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Dr. Franklin Shull talks about ORMOCER technology, nano-technology and the benefits of using Admira Fusion.
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arrow_grayAdvancements in Restorative Dentistry (1 CE)

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